
Thank you for visiting my website. I'm Abdulrahman. I'm currently a senior studying business at the University of Michigan Stephen M. Ross School of Business, and I will be graduating in May 2024 with a B.B.A.

I'm interested in technology that supports the people "in between." The back office is a place that is always forgotten about, and I want to make life better for them. I've taken coursework in accounting, finance, marketing, data analytics, and computer science.

Outside of my career pursuits, I am fascinated by cities: what makes them great, and what makes them not so great. I like to analyze urban environments and urban policy.

I've interned at a technology company and at the IT department of the University of Michigan. I've been a busines systems analyst, a marketer, and now am in product management.

I like to write. Currently, I have a column, theoretically released every two weeks, for The Michigan Daily. I also served as the president of the University of Michigan's Muslim Business Student Association for the 2023 calendar year.